Soul Retrieval: insights and revelations
The common expectation of soul retrieval is to recover younger aspects of yourself which dissociated due to trauma, chronic or acute. That happens! Whole younger you's return. What also happens is that parts of you can be stuck, or being held by someone else's energy. Retrieving those parts can be very impactful and also fun. Eyes, spines, hearts, stomachs-on the energetic level, I often find that someone's eyes at a certain age were held by their parents or teachers. This means that someone else had so much say over what you saw and how you interpreted what you saw, that you lost some of your own discernment. It is wonderful to see the changes which arise in clients as they regain their own vision, backbone, ability to digest information and feelings. Hands and feet are also often found stuck somewhere. Retrieving these energies to give my clients greater freedom and power in their own lives is a great joy to me.