Good morning. Happy belated Solstice and early Christmas or Hannukah if you celebrate.
I come here this morning with thoughts on the returning of the light. Solstice is a time of relief, because we know the days are getting longer. But there is so much winter ahead; where I live that means it will be dark and wet a lot for a few months. Spring feels a long way off.
Still , the discipline and invitation of Solstice is to let go of those things which have been dragging you down, and to call in the light, call in those positive aspects of your life you may have been neglecting.
What gives you joy which you can give more attention and space to? For me, writing and friends.
What saps you of energy, which it is safe to let go of now? For me, online streaming video and escaping into my phone.
What gifts have you been keeping to yourself which you are ready to share with others? What pursuits have you put down which you can you pick up again? What self care have you neglected that you can put back in your schedule?
Enjoy your time off with family, if you get it. If family is a tough slog for you, be kind to yourself and your inner child. Visit my facebook page, Westwood Healing Arts, for a meditation to heal your younger self.
Let me know what you think and what comes of that for you.
