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Develop Your Psychic Potential


Everyone has some ability to develop their psychic gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. Some will be more adept than others, some may become impatient and give up. But those who apply themselves can go far. 

In my psychic development classes, we do exercises and meditations to open your awareness and discernment about what you might be hearing, seeing, and feeling from the non-physical realm. We learn some healing techniques and chakra meditations. We also work with animal and plant allies in spirit. 

Classes are mostly on zoom, and can be found at at Psychic Development Workshop. They last an hour, and are by donation $20-35.

Private sessions of a half hour or hour are also available in person or by zoom. Contact me for more information about that. 
Series of ten private sessions are available for $750; this includes both psychic development practice and chakra healing. 

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